The enthalpy of vaporization (symbol ∆H vap), also known as the (latent) heat of vaporization or heat of evaporation, is the amount of energy that must be added to a liquid substance to transform a quantity of that substance into a gasThe enthalpy of vaporization is a function of the pressure at which that transformation takes place The enthalpy of vaporization is often quoted for the1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 evaporation とは意味蒸発(作用),発散 例文evaporation and {transpiration} 「evaporation」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書Image 意味, 定義, image は何か 1 a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is 2 the way that something or もっと見る
第4回 Evaporate Toefl Testスピーキング英単語 ワンポイント講義
Evaporate 意味